Girma Tefera - "Merto Mafqer Yelem" ETH New Music 2023.
Girma Tefera, son of the late singer Tefera Massa, has released another great music clip. Music from his latest album.
In addition to its religious and cultural heritage, Baptism has become a global tourist attraction - Mr. Kejela Merdasa
Addis Ababa, January 2022 We should use the values that are important for good and good things, said Culture and Sport Minister Kejera Merdasa.
Ato Kejela sent a message of congratulations at the christening ceremony held in Jammeda, Addis Ababa.
In the message they said that Jesus Christ humbled himself and was baptized by the hand of his servant John the Baptist Kindness.
The priests took up the Ark of the Covenant which they carried to the baptistery and back to the church. your elders.” , love people like you and other messages.
He therefore said that the key values and teachings found in all religions should be used for good
The Minister said that religion has nothing to do with politics and emphasized that it is inappropriate to mix religion and politics and use them for political purposes.
He emphasized that all places where religious festivals are celebrated are sacred and should be celebrated
Apart from its religious and cultural heritage, Baptism has been listed as a UNESCO National Treasure on an international level as a tourist attraction.
So we need to protect and promote cultural and spiritual values together, he said.