four mistakes you make when you get married
Love & Relationships
Unfortunately, those with the most difficult considerations are sometimes overlooked.
Most of us are ready to think and act like everyone else from the beginning. Either way, doing things differently requires thinking differently (as all great people did).
When clever thoughts come to mind, they feel so novel and amazing that they should be treasured, not discarded. Your strange and novel ideas may one day lead you to success.
You should be able to imagine wanting to show progress and wanting to understand how you can progress.
Love |
Walt Disney was proof of that. You will meet people who question your abilities. You shouldn't be one of those people, considering how your dreams will vanish if you expect them to tolerate and stop dreaming. Challenge yourself and find out how to make real progress at work. Ask yourself, "What is the scariest thing that could happen?" Your partner offers you sushi, but you hesitate. Perhaps this sushi is white fish coated with fresh strawberries and lemon poppy seeds.
Relationships |
You love strawberries How can you understand sushi so despised if you've never eaten it? What's the biggest thing that could happen? You put it out Life is a possibility. You don't know until you try.